Extract the nesseccary files to C:/ESMIRC, then find the file
ASCII.EXE and double click on it. Let it extract to C:\ESMIRC\ASCII.
Copy mirc32.exe from your existing mIRC directory, make sure it is mIRC 5.0, if not, goto http://www.mirc.co.uk!! Then click on mIRC32.exe and start my script. Type /join and a channel to join a channel.
If you may encounter problems, E-Mail me at Limbeck@SpryNET.com
I will get to ya. Or find me in #mIRC_Scripts on DALnet. My nick is Limbeck777.
Visit my homepage at HTTP://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/limbeck
there is also a link to the Ever Script home there, as well
a link to it at Sonik's page, where you may or may not
have found my script.
Check out www.mircscripts.com
and www.mircx.com
Special thanks to these sites for being great sites... trying on these sites....
and most of them if not all, have my script on them!! Thanks Guys!!
CTFire quit and shutdown, so he is no more. Thanks for using my script and have fun!!